donderdag 25 augustus 2011

Vacation time

Due to the author's well-deserved vacation, there will be no new strategy updates this week.

In the meantime, I'd like to ask all of you what cards you just can't put your finger on in terms of power level. For example, I´m still unsure if Runic Lycanthrope is all that and a bag of chips, or just a Mystic with a little upside now and again. Let me know in the comments!

dinsdag 16 augustus 2011

Fire in the hole

The situation: it's your first turn of a two player game, and your opponent went first. You are playing with the base game Chronicle of the Godslayer and the new expansion Return of the Fallen.

Your hand: a quartet of Apprentices, backed up by 1 Militia.

The board: before the game even got started, Ravenous Gorph got all up in there and immediately banished a Corrosive Widow and a Flytrap Witch, replacing them with a Rocket Courier X-99 and a Black Hole. Your opponent went first, cursed his luck and revealed 4 Apprentice and 1 Militia to buy a Great Omen Raven (H-L - C:2 - 1H - Name a card. Reveal the top card of your deck and put it into your hand. If it is the named card, gain +3h) and a Heavy Infantry. Unfortunately, your hand isn't much better. Now it's your turn to decide what you're going to do.

  • Wind Tyrant (M - P:5 - Rw: Gain +3h. Gain +3r)
  • Rocket Courier X-99 (C-M - C:4 - 4H - Once per turn, when you acquire another Mechana Construct, you may put it directly into play)
  • Ravenous Gorph (M - P:3 - Fate: When this enters the center row, banish all cards adjacent to it.) | Rw: Gain +3h. You may banish a card that was adjacent to this)
  • Black Hole (C-V - C:5 - 4H - Once per turn, you may banish a card in your hand. If you do, gain +1p)
  • Doom Weeper (M - P:4 - Reward: Gain +2h. Gain +2r)
  • Arha Initiate (H-E - C:1 - 1H - Draw a card)
What do you do? As always, don't forget Mystics, Heavy Infantry and the Cultist!

All card images are property of Gary Games, Inc.

All hail the queen!

The situation: it's your first turn of a three player game, and you are the starting player. You are playing with the base game Chronicle of the Godslayer and the new expansion Return of the Fallen.

Your hand: 5 Apprentices and 1 Militia. Wait, what? That's six cards! Correct, the sixth one comes from the Fate ability on Askara of Fate. When it appears on the center row, everyone draws an extra card. So you and your opponents start with one more card.

The board: there are certainly some interesting choices to be made here. Remember that you're playing against 2 opponents who have 6 cards each, so whatever you're not buying is probably gone next turn. Just be glad you are the starting player!

  • Askara of Fate (H-E - C:4 - 2H - Fate: Each player may draw a card. | Draw two cards. Each other player may draw a card. Then you may banish a card in the center row)
  • Shade of the Black Watch (H-V - C:3 - 1H - Gain +2p. You may banish a card in your hand or discard pile)
  • Hectic Scribe (H-E - C:1 - 1H - Draw two cards, then discard two cards)
  • Naira, Henge Queen (H-L - C:6 - 3H - Gain +5h)
  • Burrower Mark II (C-M - C:3 - 3H - Draw a card the first time you put a Mechana construct into play each turn {Including this one} )
  • Tormented Soul (M - P:3 - Rw: Gain +1h. Draw a card)
What do you do? As always, don't forget Mystics, Heavy Infantry and the Cultist!

All card images are property of Gary Games, Inc.

vrijdag 12 augustus 2011

Six-thousand, six-hundred sixty-six steps

The situation: it's your first turn of a two player game, and you are the starting player. You are playing with the base game Chronicle of the Godslayer and the new expansion Return of the Fallen.

Your hand: the standard 4 Apprentice and 1 Militia.

The board: interesting, there are no monsters on the table. And the only construct is Dartha's Retreat.

  • Lunar Stag (H-L - C:3 - 1H - Gain +2r OR +2h)
  • Dartha's Retreat (C-E - C:4 - 3H - If you do not acquire or defeat a card during your turn, you may draw two additional cards at the end of your turn)
  • Mechana Initiate (H-M - C:1 - 1H - Gain +1r or +1h)
  • Battery Monk (H-M - C:2 - 1H - You may pay 1r less the next time you acquire a Construct this turn. Draw a card)
  • Dimension Diver (H-M - C:3 - 1H - Gain +2r. You may treat all Constructs as Mechana Constructs this turn)
  • Demon Slayer (H-V - C:4 - 2H - Gain +3p)
What do you do? As always, don't forget Mystics, Heavy Infantry and the Cultist!

All card images are property of Gary Games, Inc.

maandag 8 augustus 2011

Sending signals

The situation: it's your first turn of a three player game, and you are the starting player. You are playing with the base game Chronicle of the Godslayer and the new expansion Return of the Fallen.

Your hand: the usual fare - 4 Apprentice and 1 Militia.

The board: even though you can only buy two of these, whatever you take may send a clear signal to the other players about your choice of strategy this game.

  • Samael's Trickster (M - P:3 - Rw: Gain +1h. Gain +1r)
  • Socket Altar (C-M - C:6 - 6H - Once per turn, when you put a Mechana Construct into play (including this one), gain +2r)
  • Yggdrasil Staff (C-L - C:4 - 2H - Once per turn, gain +1p. Once per turn, you may spend 4r to gain +3h)
  • Corrosive Widow (M - P:4 - Rw: Gain +3h. Each opponent must put a Contruct he controls into his discard pile)
  • Battery Monk (H-M - C:2 - 1H - You may pay 1r less the next time you acquire a Construct this turn. Draw a card)
  • Fire Tyrant (M - P:6 - Rw: Gain +6h. Each opponent must discard a card)
What do you do? As always, don't forget Mystics, Heavy Infantry and the Cultist!

All card images are property of Gary Games, Inc.

vrijdag 5 augustus 2011

Big boys

The situation: it's your first turn of a two player game, and your opponent is the starting player. During her first turn, she looked at the board, thought for a second, and revealed 4 Apprentice and 1 Militia, buying 2 Heavy Infantry. You are playing with the base game Chronicle of the Godslayer and the new expansion Return of the Fallen.

Your hand: though you didn't get to start, you're slightly better off than your opponent because your hand contains 5 Apprentice.

The board: not too shabby! The most expensive Hero, the second-most powerful Monster, and other all-around good cards. Makes you wonder why your opponent bought those 2 Heavy Infantry.

  • Avatar of the Fallen (M - P:7 - This monster can't be banished unless defeated. Rw: gain +4h. Acquire or defeat any other card in the center row)
  • Adayu, the Chosen (H-E - C:8 - 6H - Acquire of defeat any card in the center row. (You do not have to pay r or p))
  • Arbiter of the Precipice (H-V - C:4 - 1H - Draw two cards. Then Banish any card in your hand)
  • Wind Tyrant (M - P:5 - Rw: Gain +3h. Gain +3r)
  • Battery Monk (H-M - C:2 - 1H - You may pay 1r less the next time you acquire a Construct this turn. Draw a card)
  • Black Hole (C-V - C:5 - 4H - Once per turn, you may banish a card in your hand. If you do, gain +1p)

What do you do? As always, don't forget Mystics, Heavy Infantry and the Cultist!

All card images are property of Gary Games, Inc.

donderdag 4 augustus 2011

All the money in the world

The situation: it's the first turn of a two player game, and you are the starting player. You are playing with the base game and the new expansion Return of the Fallen.

Your hand: wow, you drew the nuts with 5 Apprentice, and then another Apprentice thanks to Askara of Fate! Askara has the new Fate ability, which triggers an effect as soon as the card enters the center row. In this case, the Fate effect is "each player may draw a card". So you get to start the game with no less than 6 Apprentice.

The board:

  • Twofold Askara (H-E - C:4 - 2H - Copy the effect of a Hero played this turn)

  • Askara of Fate (H-E - C:4 - 2H - Fate: Each player may draw a card. Draw two cards. Each other player may draw a card. Then you may banish a card in the center row)

  • Hectic Scribe (H-E - C:1 - 1H - Draw two cards, then discard two cards)

  • Snapdragon (C-L - C:5 - 2H - Once per turn, gain +1r. The first time you play a Lifebound Hero each turn, gain +1h)

  • Samael's Trickster (M - P:3 - Rw: Gain +1h. Gain +1r)

  • Arha Sensei (H-E - C:3 - 2H - Banish a card in your hand. If you do, acquire a Mystic or Heavy Infantry. Add it to your hand)

What do you do? As always, don't forget Mystics, Heavy Infantry and the Cultist!

All card images are property of Gary Games, Inc.

woensdag 3 augustus 2011

Initiates abound

The situation: it's the first turn of a two player game, and you are the starting player.

Your hand: unfortunately, you're stuck with the average opener of 4 Apprentice and 1 Militia.

The board: well, that's a lot of Initiates!

  • Arha Initiate (H-E - C:1 - 1H - Draw a card)
  • Emri, One with the Void (H-V - C:6 - 3H - Gain +4p)
  • Yggdrasil Staff (C-L - C:4 - 2H - Once per turn, gain +1p. Once per turn, you may spend 4r to gain +3h)
  • Corrosive Widow (M - P:4 - Rw: Gain +3h. Each opponent must put a Contruct he controls into his discard pile)
  • Void Initiate (H-V - C:1 - 1H - Gain +1r. You may banish a card in your hand or discard pile)
  • Lifebound Initiate (H-L - C:1 - 1H - Gain +1r and +1h)

What do you do? As always, don't forget Mystics, Heavy Infantry and the Cultist!

All card images are property of Gary Games, Inc.