donderdag 25 augustus 2011

Vacation time

Due to the author's well-deserved vacation, there will be no new strategy updates this week.

In the meantime, I'd like to ask all of you what cards you just can't put your finger on in terms of power level. For example, I´m still unsure if Runic Lycanthrope is all that and a bag of chips, or just a Mystic with a little upside now and again. Let me know in the comments!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. 1. Dhartha's Retreat -- I've seen it picked up early game to some good results and at the very end of the game for honor, but from about 10-90% of the way through the game it just seems absolutely worthless.

    2. Askara of Fate: How often does the Draw 2 + Banish justify giving your opponent a 6 card hand? This is probably the most polarizing card I've seen from the expansion

  2. I think Dhartha's Retreat is one of the moast interesting cards in the set. On turn 1-3 it's almost a mustbuy, but it is unclear where the line from "great" to "garbage" lies.

    Askara of Fate is a good card. You have a sixcardhand as well, and get to change the centre row. It doesn't really give your opponent an advantage you don't have.

    A situation that sets me doubting on a regular basis is this:
    Turn 2-4, you are a Heave Infantry deck. You have the choice of buying an Avatar Golem (but no constructs yet) or 2 Heavy Infantries. In the past, I chose to buy the Heavys. Nowadays, I opt for the Avatar Golem, since it's my experience that it's faerly easy to pick up one or two cheap constructs like Shadow Star, Burrower Mark 3 or Yggdrasil Staff.

    Another interesting card is Lifebound Initiate. On the first turns, I'll buy it for what it does. In the endgame I'll buy it for honour. But when is Lifebound Initiate not good anymore?

  3. Lifebound Initiate is the second worst initiate. Every once in a while it makes your runic lycanthrope work(which I consider to be a very strong card, BTW) but overall you can be expected to gain about 6 honor from it and you have just put another APPRENTICE in your deck... Not worth it.

    I'm having a hard time assessing how good Black Watch Elite is. When I first saw it I thought it looked amazing but then I realized that it is the Demonslayer equivalent of a Shade of the Black Watch... Banishing cards is a strong effect early but I think I would buy an ascetic of the lidless eye over this card.

  4. >>Lifebound Initiate is the second worst initiate.

    It triggers Snapdragon and Runic Lycanthrope, which are two of the strongest honor rush cards in the core set. It's a key card if you're going for speed and efficiency over slowly building an engine, +1 Honor is worth more than +1 Rune, due to the (usually, when no Mech Constructs are on board) crappy Rune to Honor conversion ratio.
