dinsdag 16 augustus 2011

All hail the queen!

The situation: it's your first turn of a three player game, and you are the starting player. You are playing with the base game Chronicle of the Godslayer and the new expansion Return of the Fallen.

Your hand: 5 Apprentices and 1 Militia. Wait, what? That's six cards! Correct, the sixth one comes from the Fate ability on Askara of Fate. When it appears on the center row, everyone draws an extra card. So you and your opponents start with one more card.

The board: there are certainly some interesting choices to be made here. Remember that you're playing against 2 opponents who have 6 cards each, so whatever you're not buying is probably gone next turn. Just be glad you are the starting player!

  • Askara of Fate (H-E - C:4 - 2H - Fate: Each player may draw a card. | Draw two cards. Each other player may draw a card. Then you may banish a card in the center row)
  • Shade of the Black Watch (H-V - C:3 - 1H - Gain +2p. You may banish a card in your hand or discard pile)
  • Hectic Scribe (H-E - C:1 - 1H - Draw two cards, then discard two cards)
  • Naira, Henge Queen (H-L - C:6 - 3H - Gain +5h)
  • Burrower Mark II (C-M - C:3 - 3H - Draw a card the first time you put a Mechana construct into play each turn {Including this one} )
  • Tormented Soul (M - P:3 - Rw: Gain +1h. Draw a card)
What do you do? As always, don't forget Mystics, Heavy Infantry and the Cultist!

All card images are property of Gary Games, Inc.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. I would go for Hectic Scribe, Shade of the Black Watch. I think that is a decent setup for a Heavy Militiadeck. One banish card and a fast cantrip to find it and make optimal use from it.

  2. i would snap the Shade - getting a first turn banisher is the way to go. Unless a good two flips (like Seer or Temple Lib) i'd go w/ Scribe - who knows Void Initiate might flip too :)

  3. Another not so cut and dry choice, especially in turn one. I look at the game in not one way to play but trying to predict the future.
    Here's my thoughts...

    1. Scribe + Askara--> Draw Draw Draw, you are controlling not only your deck but the center row as well.. A couple of next turn Infantries, or the mystic or what's on the board and you will be esentially picking what you want in your hand for a while. Don't worry about giving your oppts 1 card when you play, you will so far ahead by then you won't care.

    2. Construct + Infantry or Scribe. Construct again = Draw and Scribe = Draw and shape. Worry about banishing your stuff later when need be.

    3. Shade + Infantry (or + Scribe)-- this will add 4 quick power to your deck and the banish 1 which always is good.

    With only 1 current monster on the board I am leaning towards option 1. Draw Draw Draw. You will put yourself into big money easy enough that way.

  4. In my opinion Hectic Scribe is the new worst card in Ascension. I really thought that Temple Librarian would be the baseline for draw cards but even Temple Librarian isn't card disadvantage the way that Hectic Scribe is.

    My purchase would be Burrower Mk. II and hope that a decent 2 or 1 pops up(Void Apprentice, Seer of the Forked Path, Spike Vixen) but barring that I would buy a Heavy Infantry with the remainder.
