donderdag 4 augustus 2011

All the money in the world

The situation: it's the first turn of a two player game, and you are the starting player. You are playing with the base game and the new expansion Return of the Fallen.

Your hand: wow, you drew the nuts with 5 Apprentice, and then another Apprentice thanks to Askara of Fate! Askara has the new Fate ability, which triggers an effect as soon as the card enters the center row. In this case, the Fate effect is "each player may draw a card". So you get to start the game with no less than 6 Apprentice.

The board:

  • Twofold Askara (H-E - C:4 - 2H - Copy the effect of a Hero played this turn)

  • Askara of Fate (H-E - C:4 - 2H - Fate: Each player may draw a card. Draw two cards. Each other player may draw a card. Then you may banish a card in the center row)

  • Hectic Scribe (H-E - C:1 - 1H - Draw two cards, then discard two cards)

  • Snapdragon (C-L - C:5 - 2H - Once per turn, gain +1r. The first time you play a Lifebound Hero each turn, gain +1h)

  • Samael's Trickster (M - P:3 - Rw: Gain +1h. Gain +1r)

  • Arha Sensei (H-E - C:3 - 2H - Banish a card in your hand. If you do, acquire a Mystic or Heavy Infantry. Add it to your hand)

What do you do? As always, don't forget Mystics, Heavy Infantry and the Cultist!

All card images are property of Gary Games, Inc.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Haven't played with the expansion set yet, but I think Arha Sensei is the total nuts. That leaves 3 runes left. I can't really evaluate Hectic Scribe, but this could be the scenario where you want such carddisadvantage to grind through your deck to cast as many Senseis as you can. Otherwise, I would go for a Mystic.

  2. This one is easy, You buy Ahra Sensei Revealing another card. and then buying hectic scribe and mystic. drawing your next four you have a 1/3 chance of gettting one of the 3 cards you bought in your second hand which will allow you to buy either of those fours, whicheever your opponent leaves, you have option to banish in the early game which will push your deck to a higher power level in the late game.

  3. As much as I'd like to be able to buy Sensei, Scribe, AND Mystic, you don't have 7. I think the right play is definitely Sensei first (guy is crazy-good), see what flips - if it's a good 3 (Lycanthrope, Wolf Shaman, OTHER Sensei (!), etc) you get that. If you flip a good two (Seer, Temple Librarian) you grab that and Scribe, otherwise i think the play is to just buy a mystic.

  4. Arha+Hectic Scribe+Mystic would = 7, not 6.

    I'm in agreeance with pretty much everyone else though. Arha Sensei is probably one of the best first-turn purchases in the game, then see what flips up and go with that or a Mystic.

  5. As always while everyone above is a good player I am sure, I think you have more then 1 option here and ALL are viable.

    As good as Sensei is (and he IS good, I think he's limited long term).

    You have 6 to work with so you have some real options.

    1. My Draw Draw Draw option from an earlier post.. Take the Askara of Fate and the scribe and enjoy your 4 extra cards (yes I know discard 2) when they come up together. You won't care that you gave everyone else 1 extra b/c you are the one shaping the board.

    2. Twofold Askara + Scribe. This is one of the best cards from thebase set. And with the expansion being better with lifebound hero viability, it's a great buy. Again not only will you get the 4 extra cards to pick and choose your hand from, but the two fold will work out great later with a ton more cards you will have.

    3. I agree that the Sensei+Scribe+Infantry is also a great option here. Shaping your deck withthe sensei and getting the shaping of 2 cards with the discard is great as well.

    Obviously you get the option of seeing what comes out and with buying the scribe first it still gives you 5 to spend which is a lot so I would do that first see what comes then decide if I want one of the askara or the scribe.
